An 8′ Ladder: Creative Engineering

Composite image of completed ladder.Need a way to gain some altitude? Want to do so in an artful but dangerous fashion? Consider the torqued cable-stay ladder I recently built, dubbed “Crusoe.”

This object was assembled from mixed materials: an existing 5′ ladder upper segment recycled from a bunk bed, a hand-made lower segment reinforced with carbon spars, four Timberlok screws and about 25′ of quarter-inch jute rope.

The rope transmits flex from the segmented rails to the anchor points on the hanger and foot of the ladder. They are bow-string taught to reduce stretch, achieved by the two torque pegs pictured here:

Rail segment sheering is prevented by a healthy dose of wrapping and pegs.

Due to the relatively high probability that climbing this ladder will result in catastrophic failure, severe injury and/or death, do not try this at home.

Deploying a CoreOS droplet on DigitalOcean with Docker-Machine

I recently encountered an irritating little hiccup when attempting to migrate Hewwn to DigitalOcean’s cloud compute service. As you may or may not be aware, CoreOS uses SSH keys to access the console by default. Root passwords are disabled. Under normal circumstances this is fine: docker-machine automatically generates and applies the certs for you at creation time.

Note, however, that omitting the --digitalocean-ssh-user attribute when calling docker-compose create -d digitalocean will result in a hung install and password prompt because the default root username for CoreOS is “core” instead of “root”.

So be sure to compensate for CoreOS trying to be a unique little snowflake, and run the following command to successfully create and provision your droplet:

docker-machine create -d digitalocean --digitalocean-image=coreos-stable --digitalocean-ssh-user=core --digitalocean-access-token=##YOUR API TOKEN##

More droplet specificity can be achieved with DigitalOcean driver attributes described in the docker documentation.

jQuery Plugins

Created a couple rudimentary jQuery UI plugins up on GitHub recently that you might want to take a look at:


The follower plugin is a resilient, light-weight behavior. When applied to UI elements, it allows them to both retain their relative position on the page when “above the fold,” and automatically switch to static positioning when that element is scrolled out of the viewport.


A sophisticated UI element used to elegantly sort a variety of items into different “baskets” or named containers.